SEO Myths To Be Eluded From Your Marketing Strategy In 2023!

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy is inexorable for a gen z business or service provider. It not only makes it easier to be found by your potential client, but it also increases the traffic to your website by putting it on the top authority. It is an important marketing strategy for businesses of the 21st Century.

An entrepreneur can get all sorts of information about SEO on the internet. Unfortunately, not all of this information is right and it may bring opposite results for your business.

So let us bust some SEO myths to make your website authoritative, and credible and turn more traffic towards it.

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Myth 1. Keyword stuffing can improve page ranking!

Crowding your content with the same keyword, again and again, is called keyword stuffing. Many SEO marketers believe that it will make it easier for SEO to find the webpage and improve the page ranking. However, this is a big myth as keyword stuffing can have the exact opposite effect and lead your page to search penalties. Well-researched keywords which resonate and connect with your audience will divert quality traffic to your website. The search engine can easily find a webpage having well-researched keywords placed optimally.

Myth 2. The number of links will bring better results than quality!

Like keywords, crowding your webpage with a lot of links will do no good to your page. It will degrade the page’s quality and credibility. You cannot fool gen z website visitors with a lot of links on the page. It will make them exhausted and they may move on to another website. It is always advisable to have a few quality links that will benefit your customers as well as build your credibility.

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Myth 3. A random linking strategy works!

Any business does SEO to build credibility, trustworthiness, and long-term relationship with customers. Choose links that add value to their lives rather them linking to any random or unimportant web pages. Customers may think you are wasting their time and disrespecting them.

Myth 4. Link building is not essential for SEO!

Link building can be an important tool for building your credibility, and authority and driving traffic toward your website. Link building is done within the content and an inefficient link-building strategy may lead to SEO not indexing your page and affect your rating.

Myth 5. SEO strategy has to be made only once!

SEO strategy is something that evolves after constant monitoring, evaluation, and testing. You cannot build a strategy once and forget about it. You will need to evaluate and tweak it from time to time to get traffic and quality leads for your website.

Myth 6 Page speed can be neglected!

You are dealing with gen z which has a very low level of patience. If your page is taking too much time to load, they will leave your page and go to some other page. Page speed also has an impact on the ranking of the page in search engines.

Myth 7 SEO is expensive!

Many small and midcap companies think SEO requires a big marketing budget and is for larger companies. However, it is not true as in the present time there are many digital marketing tools available that can customize your SEO strategy as per your needs and budget.

Myth 8 There is one set way for implementing SEO!

There is no one fixed way of implementing SEO strategies. It is you who need to try out various strategies to increase your visibility and traffic and see what is working best for you.

Myth 9 Interactive content does not have an impact on improving SEO!

Interactive content not only builds the credibility of your website it makes the customer spend more time on it. It is observed by the search engine and can lead to a better ranking of your website.

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